A blood donation event was organized by BABM first year Leeds Becket University degree students taking MPU3442 Student Social Responsibility, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Unit Tabung Darah and Suria Shopping Mall management. The objective of the campaign was to encourage the public members of the Kota Kinabalu community to donate blood. The event was set up at the 2nd floor area at Suria Shopping mall.

Before donating blood, donors were asked to complete a health questionnaire and undergo a brief medical examination to ensure that they were eligible to donate. Once cleared, donors were escorted to a donation area where a healthcare professional inserts a sterile needle into their arm to collect a unit of blood. There was a total of 22 pints of blood successfully collected from over 40 people who attempted to register. Half of the registrations failed due to that of low hemoglobin level and underweight.

After donating, donors are provided with refreshments and instructed to rest for a short period to allow their body to recover. In addition to that, on the students’ contribution to community service, they raised fund for a total of RM700 from external sources such as anonymous individuals and business owner to contribute 30 bags of 10kg rice and 75 bags of goodies to give away as token of appreciation to the blood donors who contributed on that day. The donated blood is then transported to a laboratory where it is tested for various diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis, before being processed and distributed to hospitals for use in transfusions.

Blood donation events are important for maintaining a sufficient supply of blood for medical emergencies and ongoing medical treatments to QEH patients. The campaign was also a platform to provide an opportunity for members of the community to give back and help save lives. Overall, the campaign was a success as the students were able to plan and execute the task with the spirit of teamwork.