On 27 August 2022, AMC College hosted a CGMA Financial Leadership Program (CGMA-FLP) Course Preview virtually via Zoom At 10am. This is a collaboration between AMC College andthe Chartered Institute of Management Accountant, CIMA. The main objective of the talk was to raise awareness among students on CGMA-FLP and to educate them on the routes to becoming qualified accountants.

AMC College is a CGMA-FLP Program University Partner and the first registered tuition provide for CIMA in Sabah. Presently the college is collaborating with Jabatan Bendahari Negeri Sabah (JBNS) to provide tuition for their staff in preparation for the CIMA case study exam under CGMA-FLP and CIMA-MIA Senior Leaders Program. it is no doubt that CIMA has become one of the popular professional qualifications recognised by the government in both, state and federal level. Hence this is another reason why CIMA should be the choice to progress as a professional accountant.

The talk was conducted for Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) accounting degree students from the Faculti of Perniagaan, Ekonomi dan Perakaunan (FPEP). A total of 37 students participated in the talk. Mr Jainurin Justine, the Director of Accounting Center (FPEP,UMS) and Mr Bryan Lo (CEO of AMC College) also joined and supported the event. Ms Melissa Della Joy, Programme Coordinator from AMC College was the master of ceremony and the CIMA representative speaker was Ms Bettina Tee.

The speaker, Ms Bettina explained in detail the routes to CIMA qualification. It also includes the competencies framework that candidates must complete via the learning management system before sitting for the case study exams. She also described the fee structure and the proposed duration to complete the exams. On top of the learning management system, CIMA also provides support to its candidates via complimentary webinars, FB live and support groups, a place where candidates could seek advice, assistance or guidance on competing the CIMA qualification.

Before the event adjourned, students were given opportunities to ask questions in the Q&A session. The group photo was taken right after. Towards the end, there was also an online quiz session with complementary prizes from CIMA. The emcee thank everyone for their activate participation in the session and congratulated all quiz winners as she ends the webinar.

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