97% Passing Rate CCNA Examination

Congratulations on your well-deserved success. We are delighted to announce a 97% passing rate for our candidates sitting for the 2020 CCNA professional certification exams. Hand in hand with our experts, 65 recipients have each achieved their certification. Getting...

94% Passing Rate MCSA Examination

Warmest congratulations on your achievement. We are delighted to announce a 94% passing rate for our candidates sitting for the 2020 MCSA professional certification exams. Hand in hand with our experts, 63 trainees have each achieved their certification. Gain proof of...

Free Face Mask Distribution

CSR Programme: Free Facemask Distribution to the public. Brought to you by AMC College. The event was held on 31st December 2020 at 1pm at Centre Point Shopping Mall and Suria Sabah Shopping Mall. Happy New Year 2021 and stay safe...

MOU with i-Systems College Kota Kinabalu on 29th December 2020

As we draw the curtain on 2020, MK Group of Companies has signed its final collaboration for this year with i-Systems College Kota Kinabalu on 29th December 2020. In accordance with stringent standard operating procedures and current norms, only the key persons from...

Brown Bag Session: Sex Education

On the 26th of February, Sex Education Awareness talk was shared by Mr Sharif from the HIV/AIDS Counselor. Throughout this talk, students understand the importance of sex education and that it is beyond than just about sex, it is about how to be safe and be aware of...