97% Passing Rate CCNA Examination

Congratulations on your well-deserved success. We are delighted to announce a 97% passing rate for our candidates sitting for the 2020 CCNA professional certification exams. Hand in hand with our experts, 65 recipients have each achieved their certification. Getting...

94% Passing Rate MCSA Examination

Warmest congratulations on your achievement. We are delighted to announce a 94% passing rate for our candidates sitting for the 2020 MCSA professional certification exams. Hand in hand with our experts, 63 trainees have each achieved their certification. Gain proof of...

MCSA 2017 Outstanding Achievement

Congratulations to all 50 interns who have been awarded Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certification in February 2017 at AMC College, Likas Square Commercial Center, Kota Kinabalu! Of the 50 MCSA holders, 11 are now looking for jobs and this will...